Prostate, Kidney and Bladder Scan
Advanced Male Urogenital Health Screening
Our cutting-edge ultrasound provides a sophisticated, multi-system evaluation:
Prostate Assessment
- Non-invasive sound wave imaging
- Detailed prostate structure analysis
- Advanced detection of potential abnormalities
- Comprehensive evaluation of urinary symptoms
Kidney Diagnostic Insights
Precise evaluation of kidney size and structure.
Detection of:
- Cysts
- Potential tumors
- Abscesses
- Kidney stones
- Urinary obstructions
- Fluid collections
- Potential infections
Bladder Health Screening
- Comprehensive bladder volume assessment
- Identification of bladder distension
- Analysis of urinary frequency patterns
- Evaluation of bladder irritability
Clinical Indications Recommended for men experiencing:
- Urinary retention challenges
- Increased nocturnal urinary frequency
- Hematuria (blood in urine or semen)
- Incomplete bladder emptying
- Elevated prostate-specific markers
Patient Preparation Guidelines To ensure optimal diagnostic precision:
- Hydrate with 1-2 pints of water one hour before scan
- Arrive with a full bladder
- Wear comfortable, loose-fitted clothing
- Continue routine medications
Procedure Highlights
- 20-minute comprehensive assessment
- Available for men aged 18 and above
- Non-invasive diagnostic imaging
- Detailed medical reporting
- Direct communication with healthcare provider
Book Your Scan Today
Working Hours
- Mon - Sun 08:00 AM - 10:00PM